Did you spend your savings interrailing?

If you spent all your savings living the blissful life of a backpacker, do not despair. You can explore a number of sights freely via Youvisit.com. They have a huge amount of places for you to visit virtually. Fancy walking around Central Park in New York? Click below.


Who tracks new words?

One answer to the question presented in the title above is Word Spy. I happened to find this interesting and well-built site via Krista Kindt-Sarojärvi's links. So, if you want to keep your English vocabulary up-to-date and impress your friends, family and teachers, click on the image below!



Mitä on kotikansainvälisyys? Perustietoa ja nettilinkkejä aiheesta Opetushallituksen ja CIMO:n julkaisussa (PDF), jonka saat auki alla olevasta kuvalinkistä.

Helsingin yliopisto - Tapahtumakalenteri (RSS-syöte)